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By the grace of God, Hon. Davis Ansah Opoku visited our school (Atibie Alyce Biggs Adventist Basic Schools today, 3rd August, 2022 for an official opening of our newly constructed staff room and to inspect the current state of our ICT Laboratory and Library of which he had already made and initial donation of 70 bags of cement (worth Ghs3,920.00) during the foundation stone laying ceremony of these two projects.

The Member of Parliament’s visit has brought so much joy and blessings to pupils, teachers and the entire Adventist Church at large. We were proud to hear from the honourable that he had his primary school education in an Adventist School. He was so impressed about rate at which the over nine years abandoned ICT Laboratory is progressing. However, this also could not have been done without his kind support and donation.

Interestingly enough, he donated an additional amount of GHs1,000.00 to the staff and school. We want to use this opportunity to thank Hon. Davis Ansah Opoku and his able team members and supporters and call on God’s blessings for them in all their endeavors in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Report by Pastor Daniel Effah, (local Manager SDA schools, Atibie Mpraeso District.